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Student Growth in After School Programs: The 5 Pillars of Your Child’s Learning

As the fall approaches and students prepare for the return to school, parents must also make decisions regarding the after school care for their children. These decisions are often not made lightly; parents want to ensure that their students are not simply being “babysat”, but that they are being provided with the opportunities to extend […]
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How to Pick the Best After School Program for Your Kids Near Kenosha, WI

The fall is approaching quickly, and cable television is running back to school commercials regularly. This time, while often exciting for students who are ready to get back into routine, see their friends, and participate in their favorite activities, also causes much apprehension. This happens in any given year, let alone a year plagued by […]
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The Perfect Date Night for the Adventurous Couple

The art of dating has always been somewhat anxiety-inducing, and over time it has gotten more complicated. First Dates and random run-ins at the coffee shop have evolved to “swipe rights” in a digital age, and many argue it has been more difficult than ever to meet people in such a fast-paced society. Today though, […]
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Coronavirus Blues: Getting Out of the House and into Adventure

It’s no secret that the past few months have taken a toll on us all. From postponed celebrations and vacations to maybe a little too much togetherness indoors, most people are looking for the next opportunity to escape the four walls they have been staring at for a while now. Teenagers who previously opted for […]
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Outdoor School is in Session: Problem Solving in the Trees

One of the biggest concerns parents have held in our recent remote world is what learning from a distance is doing to the social and cognitive development of their children. While tasks are still assigned and expectations still held, many can admit that what takes place at home behind a screen is no comparison to […]
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