Boundless Adventures

How can you make the most of a school field trip?

January 21, 2020

At Boundless Adventures, hosting school field trips is one of the most rewarding things that we do. We hope you enjoy them as much as we do! We thought it would be helpful to share with you some things to consider when planning a trip.

1. What are the 4 main reasons for planning a trip for your students?

  • Integration with specific curriculum
  • Build group identity (when there is a significant change such as the transition to middle school)
  • General curriculum goals (visit the U.N. after studying international relations)
  • Celebrate or culminate group work (end of year celebration)

2. What are the main logistical considerations?

  • Cost/affordability (including busing)
  • Age appropriateness
  • Travel time
  • Conflicts (standardized tests)
  • Proper supervision
  • Safety precautions
  • Accessibility (physical, mental limitations)
  • Fundraising opportunities
  • Paperwork – both for your school as well as for the destination
  • Communication (with parents and administrators)
  • Food plan
  • Here is a great article for all logistical considerations and how you can be on top of your game!

3. What should you do to prepare the students to make the most of the experience?

  • Discuss the purpose of the field trip and how it relates to their school work
  • Show pictures or videos of what they are going to see or do
  • Explore the website of the location
  • Brainstorm with the class in terms of logistics: What should we wear? What should we bring to eat?
  • Consider assigning specific “roles” such as the photographer to the students.
  • Engage the class in a discussion of conduct for the trip. Explain the importance of leaving a good impression on the hosting venue.
  • Recommend that they discuss the trip with their family before the trip.
  • Consider dividing the kids up in groups that are different than their normal friend groups.
  • And of course, answer any questions they might have.

4. What happens afterward?

We found this great article that you should check out!  At the bottom, it has lots of great post-field trip activities as well as suggestions for evaluating the trip using a “Teacher Journal”.  

Even the best trips have room for improvement!